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Matt Wynne(SmartBear)
Software systems are built by many people working together. The quality of those systems is an expression of how effectively those people collaborate: a team that's working in harmony can create software that's a delight to use, but people who are bored or stressed will produce a system that's full of defects and frustrates its users.
Matt Wynne has spent his career coaching software organizations, and in this talk he'll share his insights about what makes for great collaboration, and thus great software. He'll talk about Example Mapping, a simple technique for breaking down problems on your team's backlog into clear, unambiguous, testable examples. He'll show how you can turn those examples into automated specifications, written in any spoken language, including Japanese!
He'll talk about pair and ensemble pair programming, test-driven development (TDD), continuous delivery and trunk-based development.
You'll leave this talk inspired to share these secrets with your team.
今回の講演では、ペアプログラミング、アンサンブルペアプログラミング(モブプログラミング)、テスト駆動開発(test-driven development, TDD)、継続的デリバリー、トランクベース開発についても話します。
Matt Wynne(SmartBear)
Matt was lucky enough to start programming in the mid 1980s when his dad brought home a BBC Micro from work.
He's been making a living as a programmer since the late 1990s, and started trying to sneak agile practices into his work ever since he discovered the C2 Wiki in 2001. He was once fired for doing test-driven development, because he was "going too slow".
In 2008 he joined the fledgeling Cucumber open source project, and in 2011 the first edition of The Cucumber Book, co-written with Aslak Hellesøy, the creator of Cucumber.
In 2013 he founded Cucumber Limited together with Aslak and Julien Biezmans. They grew this consulting and training business to around $1.5m turnover, training thousands of people around the world in Cucumber and Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD), adding Seb Rose and Steve Tooke then Dr. Sal Freudenberg as partners.
Matt developed the practice of Example Mapping whilst training a team in St. Louis, Missouri.
In 2019 Cucumber was acquired by SmartBear and Matt now works for them as full-time lead of the Cucumber Open source project. He's currently focussed on finding ways to tackle the structural sexism and racism in open source.
He lives in the mountain town of Nelson, BC in Canada with his wife Anna and kids Rufus and Torben. He enjoys backcountry skiing, trail running and woodworking.
Matt は、1980年代半ばに父親が仕事からBBC Micro(コンピュータの一種)を持ち帰ったことをきっかけに、プログラミングを始めました。
1990年代後半からプログラマーとして生計を立てており、2001年にC2 Wikiを見つけて以来、自分の仕事にアジャイルのプラクティスを取り入れ始めました。テスト駆動開発(test-driven development, TDD)を行った際に「遅すぎる」という理由で解雇されたこともありました。
2008年には、立ち上がったばかりのオープンソースプロジェクトだった振る舞い駆動開発 (Behaviour-Driven Development, BDD)フレームワークのCucumber projectに参画し、2011年には、Cucumberの生みの親であるAslak Hellesøyと共著で書籍『The Cucumber Book』第1版を出版しました。
2013年に、Aslak、Julien Biezmansと共にCucumber Limitedを設立しました。世界中の何千人もの人々に向けてCucumberとBDDのトレーニングを行い、コンサルティングおよびトレーニングのビジネスを約150万ドルの規模にまで成長させました。その後、Seb Rose、Steve Tooke、Sal Freudenberg博士をビジネスパートナーとして迎えました。
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JaSST Review'22 に協賛を頂いているスポンサー企業のセッションです。
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JaSST Review'22 に協賛を頂いているスポンサー企業のセッションです。
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安達 賢二(HBA)
安達 賢二(HBA)
株式会社HBA エグゼクティブ・エキスパート
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(JaSST Review'22 実行委員会)
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